long tyme no post...
so here today. nothing private will be disclosed cos of many reasons. however since arrow wants real life stuff it will be a request granted in coming times which is most likely the year after next or thee coming one. i know this may sound terribly odd or should i say weird but some things have a to be behind a bolted door. somethings cannot be said by lips nor words. and some things can never be written down. writing is one thing that hurts most. taught never to write something hurtful. if you really must, than the tongue will do the job, however the hand always can do more harm. enough about what the lessons may have taught me and by lessons i mean people or what you will name advice. advice should always be good but neither the guillable or naive might know. as for now, those unlearnt things shall be learned later in life. or maybe i'm babbling too much about such insensitive stuff but this however is sometimes too deep for just anybody to get. my closest friends are the brown and piercing arrow which upon me causes no harm and the wounded heart which hurts the most. i guess you can imagine what the scence looks like now but i'm just a light, a nice ball of burning fire so far that it can merely twinkle. this sounds no better i understand but there are many things i pretend not to understand anymore. cos what's the point of not being able to convey your message when you really need a listening ear...
a chirp from a bird means nothing more than a thought

a chirp from a bird means nothing more than a thought
a chirp from a bird means nothing more than a thought
it has been a period of time since i sprouted anymore mad beans such as dao gay which i do not like. but i do like mad beans actually. i mean being crazy isn't all about the vegatables you do not wish to consume but however you can always use analogies. don't you agree with me? and if you're half curious as to why i'm so queer, can i say it's fun? now too bad i can't see your reaction for i anticipate a lame and shocked face it must be. now blabber blubber bubble cuteypet
a chirp from a bird means nothing more than a thought
both my wishes came true on 9th august! God really loves me. although one wish was abit disappointing but i know He wants me to persevere and learn from it as well. thanks so much GOD!!!
-God can do great things
a chirp from a bird means nothing more than a thought
axia axia where are you. what's wrong with Xenon's blog?! anyways, got not much to say about him. i got a new one for Axia but it isn't perfect. so far, this is my fave skin. i like mirra's one too.
a chirp from a bird means nothing more than a thought
excited as can be
xrism come to me
but a bird you are
xrism not forever a star
excited as can be
xaxia come to me
but no you sound not well
not fit for a beautiful belle
excited as can be
xanxya come to me
but then again you're angry
but what i need now is happy
xylxya come to me
happy i can be
perhaps that's the name
but bore gets your fame
excited as can be
Axia you love me
Axia a star that'll shine
Axia you are all mine! *
a chirp from a bird means nothing more than a thought
can't wait till xiara and xenon become a couple and stay in the same cage! then i can finally have dearest Axia. i think i want the name Axia cos it's short simple and unique. but the thing is it sounds like Asia. haha. Prism is abit normal or weird maybe but it means alot to me and it sounds nice. Xaxia is disliked by my family member so that's out cos dun wanna offend Jesus. cos it sounds like Savior. i like the name Xavier though. xaxia is also abit awkward and hard to pronounce. altho it is the coolest, it is not too outstanding and can get boring or a bother. Axia sounds more practical and cute! but xaxia i must say is the most unique name i've ever made up. let's try to make another one that's better. xisxia sounds nice too and unique but weird to say. Xanxia is cute too. xanxia sounds much nicer than xisxia or xaxia but it's feminine. xoldxia, xoxia, xeelxia, xylxia, xyzxya,
a chirp from a bird means nothing more than a thought
i got hee haw! the smaller version of it though, but it's still so cute! and everyone adores it. i hope to have para now how i miss him. my muammi bought me hee haw and i like it to bits. and it's extra special cos it comes from muammi.
a chirp from a bird means nothing more than a thought